Polycystic Ovarian syndrome - BePurer

Polycystic Ovarian syndrome

This is a metabolic disorder which causes the ovaries to change and reduces the chances of ovulation

The hormone imbalances lead to insulin resistance and an increased chance of developing Type 2 diabetes. It also leads to higher androgen hormones such as testosterone as well as high oestrogen and low progesterone.

Common symptoms are 

  1. Acne or Oily skin
  2. Excess hair growth on the face, abdomen, chest, back or buttocks
  3. Thinning hair on the head
  4. Weight changes and difficulty losing weight
  5. Irregular, prolonged or no periods
  6. Disordered bleeding/painful periods
  7. Difficulty conceiving or infertility
  8. Fatigue
  9. Mood changes
  10. Bloating

The diagnostic criteria for this include 2 of the following

  1. Polycystic ovaries (12 or more follicles or increased volume)
  2. Irregular periods >35 days apart or no periods for 6 months
  3. Clinical signs of high testosterone such as hair growth or acne 

Treatment includes lifestyle changes to address the hormone imbalance incorporating a healthy diet, exercise and relaxation.

Medical treatments include the contraceptive pill, progesterone tablets and also sugar stabilising medicines such as metformin.

Supplements that help include 

  1. Probiotics – which are important in gut health and metabolism
  2. Magnesium – important in muscle function and can help to modify glucose levels
  3. Myo-inositol shown to improve ovulation
  4. Chromium shown to improve infertility and modify sugar levels
  5. Collagen – important in a healthy gut lining and modify sugar levels. Helps to improve skin health
  6. Omega 3 supplements important in inflammation



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